Legacy Software, Modern Threats: Protect Your Trucking Company's Data and Operations Now

Legacy Software, Modern Threats: Protect Your Trucking Company's Data and Operations Now

Download the latest whitepaper by the National Motor Freight Traffic Association, Inc. (NMFTA)™ to learn more here

The trucking industry relies heavily on legacy maintenance software – programs that, while crucial for managing fleets and ensuring smooth operations, may not possess the robust cybersecurity features found in more modern solutions. This vulnerability exposes trucking companies to cyberattacks that can compromise sensitive data, such as driver information, vehicle locations, and cargo details. Such breaches can have significant financial and legal repercussions and is a vulnerability that trucking executives can’t afford to ignore.

Why your company must secure its legacy maintenance software

Increased cyber threats

The trucking industry is a prime target for cyberattacks. Attacks on the transportation industry surged by 186% annually. Additionally, the trucking industry moves 73% of North America’s freight, according to the United States Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS), making it the backbone of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency’s (CISA) Strategic Plan. Legacy software, with its outdated security features and potential lack of ongoing support, is particularly vulnerable to new methods of attacks by cybercriminals.

Data breaches and financial loss

Cyberattacks can compromise sensitive data stored in legacy maintenance software, such as driver information, vehicle locations, and cargo details. IBM found that the average cost of a data breach in 2023 was $4.45 million. For trucking companies, the financial impact of a data breach could be devastating.

Reduce risk

The trucking industry may not have specific regulations for legacy maintenance software security, but following best practices aligns with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration's (NHTSA) cybersecurity guidance. Neglecting to secure this software and the data it stores can expose your company to significant risks, including reputational damage.

Operational disruption

“Maintenance software is very vital to the operation of essentially any company in the freight sector,” said Anne Zachos, cybersecurity research engineer for NMFTA. “Cyberattacks can disrupt trucking operations by disabling critical software or holding data hostage. This can lead to delays, cancellations, employee and driver frustration, and lost revenue.

Joe Ohr, chief operating officer for NMFTA, recently highlighted the inherent vulnerabilities of fleet maintenance software. “It is trusted by the vehicle network and devices it is connected to. This software can alter multiple configurable settings on a truck and with enough reverse engineering, it may also update truck components in a malicious way. Ultimately, securing fleet maintenance systems will keep your fleet, data, drivers, and operations secure as well as your network.” 

By understanding the security risks associated with legacy maintenance software and taking steps to mitigate them, trucking executives can protect their companies from these significant financial and operational threats.

Tips for trucking executives

To address this growing concern, this whitepaper offers valuable insights and actionable strategies to equip executives with practical security measures they can implement to bolster their cybersecurity posture. This includes guidance on patching procedures, network segmentation strategies, access control best practices, data encryption solutions, and robust security monitoring protocols. These outlined steps are a trucking executives roadmap for creating a more secure environment for legacy maintenance software.

1. Plan for the long term

Explore considerations and potential benefits of migrating to a more secure, modern software solution in the future. Understanding your fleet maintenance software limitations is crucial for developing a future-proof cybersecurity strategy for the trucking company. Take a proactive approach to safeguarding their vital data and navigating the ever-evolving landscape of cyber threats.

2. Attend the 2024 NMFTA Cybersecurity Conference

Whether you're a trucking executive, fleet maintenance professional, an IT security expert, or a researcher in transportation logistics, you can’t afford to miss this year’s NMFTA Cybersecurity Conference, on October 27-29 in Cleveland, OH. #NMFTACyber is the only cybersecurity event for the trucking industry and is set to convene the greatest minds in trucking and cybersecurity as we share insights and ideas, collaborate, and connect to protect and defend North America’s critical infrastructure. Join your peers for three days of immersive sessions to hear speakers talk on leading topics in enterprise and asset cybersecurity, research, technological innovations, legislation, and more.

Access the NMFTA’s Securing Legacy Maintenance Software whitepaper here and gain a deeper understanding of these critical cybersecurity considerations. Downloading this valuable resource and attending the NMFTA Cybersecurity Conference is a crucial step towards ensuring the continued success and operational efficiency of your trucking organization.

Want to learn more about NMFTA and trucking cybersecurity? 

The NMFTA stands as a vanguard in the critical mission of securing the trucking industry's digital ecosystem. Through the development of specialized knowledge and education, targeted research initiatives, and industry-leading conferences, NMFTA empowers cybersecurity professionals to combat emerging threats unique to the trucking landscape. For more information, visit nmfta.org/cybersecurity.

What you missed at the 2023 Cybersecurity Conference

Watch this video and relive some favorite moments from NMFTA's 2023 Cybersecurity Conference.

Register now for the 2024 NMFTA Cybersecurity Conference at nmftacyber.com

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