
1517785877434 Headshot
Updated Oct 13, 2010

Navistar’s eStar all-electric delivery/cargo van – a culmination of Navistar’s 2009 acquisition of U.K. electric vehicle manufacturer Modec – is not a hybrid truck, nor is it a conversion from a gasoline- or diesel-burning vehicle. Rather, it is a purpose-built Class 3 delivery and cargo van that, when it returns to its home base at the end of the day, can be plugged in and fully recharged within 6 to 8 hours. In the event that quick vehicle turnaround times are required, the battery cassette can be swapped out in 20 minutes, allowing the vehicle to return to the road for another 100 miles. The eStar is designed to be adaptable to future battery technology, which means the truck’s performance and range could improve as new power systems become available.
The truck features a low floor height for easy loading and unloading, walk-through cab with wraparound 180-degree driver views and a low center of gravity for stable, precise handling. The truck initially will be offered only in a van/cargo configuration, but additional body styles, including buses and drop-body beds, will be considered beginning next year.