A birthday wish

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My son’s birthday and my own are about one week apart, so it’s inevitable that we end up with some sort of dual celebration event – it’s way easier on his mom (and my wife) that way, anyway. In the past few years as he’s grown older, our tastes in just about everything – music, sports, movies, writing, etc. – have become pretty much interchangeable, so my wife has little to no difficulty finding fun stuff for our joint big days.

One thing my son doesn’t have in common with me is the world of trucking – after all, it’s part of my job, but it’s nothing he’s really chatted up with me except for the fact that he likes to critique my writing for the magazine, both in print and online. He takes exception to my blogs that mentions him and my wife, making comments such as “I can’t believe you put that out there for everyone to read.” Actually, most of my family-related comments are there to make a point relevant to the world of trucking; if I really wanted to embarrass him, it sure wouldn’t be in a transportation blog.

Anyway, back to the birthday celebration I’ll be sharing with my boy. There’s probably plenty of truckers out there who’ve missed a child’s birthday or two because of their jobs on the road, far away from their homes and loving hugs. While I consider myself fortunate my occupation doesn’t require extended trips away from my family, I also know that many drivers aren’t always able to be there for every football game, guitar recital and honor roll ceremony.

To those drivers who make such sacrifices to transport America’s goods, you have my utmost appreciation. Now I’m going to blow out this walloping pile of candles – another day older and deeper in debt …