Minimizer names Kruckeberg special projects manager

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Minimizer recently promoted Trevor Kruckeberg to special projects manager, a new role and title the company said more accurately reflects the work and management role he will be fulfilling.

“Historically, Trevor has successfully served in multiple manufacturing positions within Minimizer,” said Tim Trom, vice president of operations and finance, “This promotion recognizes his achievements and gives him the opportunity to grow and expand his contributions to the organization.”

The company said the promotion was the result of several factors, including Kruckeberg’s years of experience with Minimizer, the number of departments he’s worked in and his recent completion of diesel truck driving school in Sun Prairie, Wis., where he earned his commercial driver’s license.

One of Kruckeberg’s first significant special projects is to supervise the design and construction of Minimizer’s new over-the-road training and promotion rig. In addition, he will be responsible for managing the schedule and driving the truck to any one of the more than 800 distributors and/or shows in North America.