Football and trucking

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Updated Sep 1, 2012

It’s getting to be that time of the year again, and no, I’m not talking about the elections. Football is returning to America’s stadiums and televisions, and not a minute too soon – there’s only so much golf and tennis you can take to pass the time. Yeah, I know baseball is king during the summer, but for some reason, even though I love going to see a game in person, I’ve never really enjoyed sitting in front of the TV watching a non-playoff game. Sorry. I’m not really a big apple pie fan, either. But I do love America and hot dogs, so that’s gotta count for something.

Anyway, back to football, and here comes the inevitable tie-in to the world of trucking – after all, this is a trucking Website, and if I can’t find anything to say about trucking in this blog, it really doesn’t belong here. But when you think about it, football and trucking have plenty in common; while an offense hauls a ball from one side of the field to another to score points, truckers haul commodities from Point A to Point B to earn money.

“Good lord,” you’re saying. “That’s really a stretch.” Hang on, it’s going to get thinner. Sure, there’s a defense that tries to keep the offense from accomplishing its goal, and in trucking, fleets have to overcome obstacles such as driver turnover, capacity issues, fuel prices, logistics … the list goes on. Seriously, that sounds to me like a tougher challenge than running the ball against the Baltimore Ravens, but hey, I never had to stare Ray Lewis in the face, so what do I know?

Anyway, enjoy fall football 2012 – I know I will. And keep on trucking for those touchdowns.