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DOT helping military veterans find transportation jobs

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The U.S. Department of Transportation and U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs on Thursday, June 21, unveiled new portals on their departments’ Websites designed to help military veterans find jobs in the transportation industry.

“Our transportation industry needs pilots, controllers, mechanics and drivers – the very kinds of skills that our military is known for developing,” says U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood. “This new Web link will help repay the debt we owe our veterans for their service to our country.”

“These men and women bring exceptional leadership to any position,” said U.S. Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki. “They are uniquely qualified for jobs as pilots, mechanics, air traffic controllers, commercial drivers and emergency medical technicians because many of them have performed these roles in combat.”

The portal on the DOT and VA Websites will link to the Veterans Transportation Career Center, where former members of the armed forces can enter their specific military work experience and see how it translates to jobs in the civilian working world. The site will guide veterans to jobs in five categories: aviation pilot, aviation maintenance technician, air traffic controller, commercial motor vehicle driver and emergency medical services.

Job seekers can find what training and certification is needed for civilian jobs, determine what career fits best with their background, and search for available jobs in their field. The portals are available at and