FMCSA issues cease-and-desist order against bus company

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The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration on Friday, Jan. 6, issued a cease-and-desist order, effective immediately, against Double Happyness Travel Inc. after finding that the Huntingdon Valley, Pa.-based company was operating and selling tickets in violation of a previous agency order to shut down. FMCSA says that if Double Happyness continues to operate illegally, the company will face additional enforcement action.

On Dec. 23, 2011, FMCSA ordered Double Happyness to cease all intrastate and interstate passenger service immediately, declaring the carrier an “imminent hazard” to public safety. FMCSA says the imminent hazard order followed an extensive review of the company’s operations, which found multiple hours-of-service, vehicle maintenance and controlled substance and alcohol testing violations.