ALK releases PC Miler FuelTax 16

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ALK Technologies has announced the release of PC Miler FuelTax 16, a system that automates fuel and mileage tax tracking, calculation and reporting.

ALK says the application generates easy to use forms and tax rates for all United States and Canadian jurisdictions and instantly calculates fuel and mileage taxes, refunds and credits. The application also provides state mileage summaries, fleet performance reports and quarterly updates for compliance with the International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA) and the International Registration Plan (IRP) provisions.

“PC Miler FuelTax has reduced our fuel taxes by 25 percent and saves me numerous hours of work monthly when calculating IFTA fuel taxes for our fleet of 5 trucks,” said Lorraine Minieri, Transportation Manager of Minieri, Inc., a truckload motor carrier based in Freehold, NJ. “PC Miler has been a valuable dispatch tool that has saved us tax dollars and operating costs by routing our drivers more efficiently. Together these two products paid for themselves within the first year of usage.”

PC Miler FuelTax reporting summarizes critical data stored in the program. To help customers with their tax returns, the Fuel Conflicts Report identifies possible data entry mistakes along with gaps or overlaps in odometer readings, the company says.