Regulatory issues key Labelmaster Dangerous Goods Instructors’ Symposium

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Labelmaster, a manufacturer and distributor of regulatory compliance products, recently sponsored its 5th Annual Dangerous Goods Instructors’ Symposium in Chicago. Corporate, commercial and government instructors were able to network and discuss regulatory issues and trends to learn more about changes that will affect the shipping of dangerous goods. The goal of the 2010 Dangerous Goods Instructors’ Symposium, with its theme “Standards to Advocacy,” was to build on the regulatory standards updates and foster a greater understanding of intermodal transport.

In-depth training on the newly revised 2011-2012 International Civil Aviation Organization Technical Instructions was provided. Geoff Leach, chairman of the ICAO Dangerous Goods Panel, addressed those instructions while providing tools to enhance air mode training for 2011. Labelmaster’s A.I.R. Shipper publication was used to review new ICAO packing instructions that are shorter and simpler. Additional training was given on the new International Maritime Dangerous Goods code.

Labelmaster says the symposium was instrumental in providing a forum for training experts to review regulatory updates. To review presentations given at the symposium, go to The DGIS 2011 location and dates will be released in spring 2011.