PHH Arval hosts Client Advisory Board summit

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PHH Arval recently hosted a summit of its Client Advisory Boards in Sparks, Md. The CABs offer PHH clients an opportunity to share ideas, provide insight and feedback into the company’s initiatives, and influence key investment priorities. PHH Arval says the Client Advisory Boards have been active in helping shape its priorities and currently include 82 clients from the United States and Canada.

This year, PHH Arval introduced its newest CAB: the Global Strategies Client Advisory Board. Formed in response to continued growth in the area of fleet globalization, this CAB focused its inaugural meeting on global manufacturing, green fleet options, reducing costs and viewing and managing vehicle data globally. Representatives of the PHH Arval Global Alliance from the United Kingdom, France, Mexico and Switzerland also attended.

PHH’s other CABs include the Operational Excellence, Information Management & Technology, Driver Experience and Truck Advisory Boards. These boards spent two days analyzing everything from key service areas and metrics, to new technologies and pilot programs, driver communications and more.

“Our Client Advisory Boards are instrumental in ensuring that PHH stays aligned with the changing needs of our clients,” says Gary Anderson, senior vice president of business development for PHH Arval. “The candid feedback we receive from clients helps us to prioritize our investments and also gives clients the opportunity to weigh in on projects that are currently under way. Several of our products and services are a direct result of the dialogue and collaboration between PHH and the CABs.”