Three industry executives join CalStart board

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Three industry executives, each working to promote a diversity of technologies and fuels, have joined the CalStart board of airectors, a national organization focused on accelerating the growth of broad-based clean transportation. CalStart says the additions reflect its efforts to promote a diversity of approaches as it works to build a 21st century clean transportation technology industry.

The three new CalStart board members are Anne E. Bélec, vice president and chief marketing officer of Navistar Inc.; Dipender Saluja, managing director of Capricorn Investment Group, which has invested in a diversity of clean transportation technology startups; and Hal Snyder, vice president at Sempra’s San Diego Gas & Electric and Southern California Gas Co., who oversees that company’s natural gas and plug-in vehicle programs.

“These three leading executives will bring tremendous knowledge and insights about what is needed to grow the entire clean transportation technology industry,” says John Boesel, president and chief executive officer of CalStart. “Adding a leading clean tech investor and a major truck manufacturer to our board is also a statement about the increasing reality and economic potential of the clean transportation technology industry.”