More than 200 new fleets adopt Maptuit’s NaviGo

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Updated Apr 8, 2010

Maptuit announced that it has added more than 200 new fleets — including Schneider, J.B. Hunt, WalMart, Transport America, Baylor Trucking and Covenant — as clients for its truck-specific connected navigation product, NaviGo.

“We are especially proud of this accomplishment when you take into consideration the economic climate with which all fleets have had to contend,” says Luke Wachtel, executive vice president of sales and marketing.

Wachtel says the primary reason for Maptuit’s growth has been its ability to demonstrate a substantial ROI using their customers’ own empirical data. Fleets are focused on technologies that help them become leaner and more efficient,” he says. “Many of our fleets have reported over a 10-times return on their investment in NaviGo through mileage reduction alone. Most of them haven’t even begun to calculate the savings associated with accident reduction,” such as avoiding low bridges and reducing turns, Wachtel says.

Maptuit says it continues to focus on mileage reduction and safety, and that the configurable UI motion lock function of NaviGo is a direct result of conversations with safety managers. The recent surge of attention that GPS usage by truckers has been getting from the press and legislators alike emphasizes the importance of designing for safety, according to the company, and by limiting the amount of interaction a driver can have with the navigation screen, the danger of driver distraction can be reduced.