ABF Freight System selects 2010-11 Road Team

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ABF Freight System Inc. has selected its 2010-2011 Road Team, consisting of the top driving professionals from across ABF’s North American network. The ABF Road Team members and the ABF Service Centers where they are based are: Charles Ammerman, South Bend, Ind.; David Boyer, Wytheville, Va.; Charlie Estrada, Albuquerque, N.M.; Loren Hatfield, Little Rock, Ark.; Thomas Martin, Cheyenne, Wyo.; Nathan McCarty, Denver; Timothy McElwaney, Atlanta; Usevio Martinez, Amarillo, Texas; Kip Michaelis, Salt Lake City; Chad Miller, South Chicago, Ill.; Kenneth Ragan, Omaha, Neb.; and Michael Wesson, Winston-Salem, N.C.

“This group of elite drivers represents the cream of the crop in the transportation industry,” says Wes Kemp, president and chief executive officer of the Fort Smith, Ark.-based company. “These professionals possess superb driving skills, outstanding safety records and a commitment to upholding ABF’s standard of excellence.”

During their 24-month term, ABF Road Team members serve as ambassadors for ABF and the trucking industry at large. Each member is available to address the vital role freight transportation plays in the global economy. When called upon, they speak on safety, the image of the truck driver and the industry, sharing the road with trucks, or other subjects of community or industry interest.