Carrier Logistics offers subscription pricing

Software developer Carrier Logistics Inc. (CLI) announced the introduction of subscription pricing for its Facts transportation software suite.

“We developed a formula that would allow potential customers to deploy our enterprise software without the classic enterprise pricing approach,” says vice president of sales Ken Weinberg. “The model eliminates the need for trucking companies to make large capital expenditures and take on sizeable upfront costs,” Weinberg says.

CLI currently promotes subscription pricing for Facts-ondemand, its Software as a Service (SaaS) product for companies who want CLI to host the system for them.  CLI is now expanding the reach of this pricing model to include companies who prefer to manage the system in-house, providing an incentive for them to move forward with CLI, according to Weinberg.

The new model is based on a user pricing model matching the in-house users against the desired software modules, Weinberg says. “Our unique pricing formula includes low fixed monthly payments which includes all support and maintenance fees. These fees are customarily additional charges in a traditional software license purchase.

“Not only are the up-front costs reduced, the subscription pricing model is scalable so transportation companies only pay for the number of users needed on a given day,” says Weinberg. “They can add modules and users at any time during the agreement term. The price is known up front and there are no surprises.”