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America’s Road Team Captain wins Professional Excellence Award

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America’s Road Team Captain Clarence Jenkins Jr. recently was honored at the 2008 National Truck Driving Championships with the Neill Darmstadter Professional Excellence Award. Jenkins, of Poca, W.V., was honored for most exemplifying all of the best attributes of a professional truck driver. Contestants are judged on their driving records, skills, attitude and professionalism. The winner also must have competed at NTDC for at least seven years.

“I could not think of a driver that more exemplifies the criteria of the Neill Darmstadter Professional Excellence Award,” says ATA Vice President Elisabeth Barna. “We at ATA are fortunate to work closely with Clarence in spreading the industry’s message of safety and professionalism, and he is truly one of the best representatives for the industry.”

Jenkins has competed in 13 NTDCs, including this year. In 1988, he took home the top prize in his division, winning the five-axle competition.

“Each day Clarence Jenkins epitomizes what America’s Road Team stands for by representing the American trucking industry with professionalism, skill and safety,” says Scott Kress, senior vice president of sales and marketing for Volvo Trucks North America. “Mr. Jenkins’ entire career demonstrates the highest level of driving performance, while at the same time being a truly effective ambassador to the general public.”

Jenkins also has received the following honors: Distinguished West Virginian Award, Award of Excellence, Mack Million Mile Award, Pre-trip Inspection Award, West Virginia State Police Safety Traffic Award, West Virginia Driver of the Month (three times) and West Virginia Outstanding Driver Award (six times).

Jenkins is a past president of the West Virginia Association of Truck Driver Champions and is a member of the Mid-Atlantic Professional Truck Drivers Association. He also was a member of the Overnite/UPS Road Team. Jenkins participates in the Mid-Atlantic Charity Fun Drive annually to help raise money for the Make-a-Wish Foundation, winning the sleeper-class division in 2002.

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The America’s Road Team, sponsored by Volvo Trucks North America, is a national public outreach program led by a small group of professional truck drivers who share superior driving skills, remarkable safety records and a strong desire to spread the word about safety on the highway. For more information, go to