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Nestle Waters credits Cadec for lowering idle time, fuel consumption

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Poland Spring, a division of Nestle Waters, says it has reduced idle time by 41 percent and is on track to save more than $21,000 in fuel in 2008, thanks to Cadec Global’s advanced fleet management software.

Nestle Waters is the No. 1 bottled water company worldwide, and its Poland Spring division, founded in 1845, offers one of the most popular spring waters in the northeastern United States. Poland Spring had been using Cadec’s Mobius TTS advanced fleet management software and On-Board Computers (OBCs) in its entire fleet of 40 trucks for the previous year, primarily for its paperless logging capabilities.

In January 2008, it expanded its use of Mobius to include tracking idle time. The fleet management team filtered the data by driver and posted the results, and according to Chris McKenna, Northeast inside fleet manager for Poland Spring, “Driver behavior started to change almost immediately.” From January through May, Poland Spring achieved a 41 percent reduction in idle time – a total of 2,300 hours, or a run-rate of 5,100 hours annually. That’s the equivalent of taking 12 cars off the road in terms of carbon emissions.

In addition, Poland Spring saved more than $9,000 in fuel during the five-month period, and is on track to save more than $21,000 in fuel in 2008. “Results have exceeded our expectations, and we were able to affect change much more quickly than we thought possible,” McKenna says. “We can pull these reports up within seconds. The data was already there. Cadec makes it very easy for us to manage the program – they have been a terrific partner for Poland Spring.”

Poland Spring now is working on integrating its routing with Cadec. “Poland Spring is well known for its environmental consciousness,” says Michael Baney, chief executive officer of Manchester, N.H.-based Cadec. “We’ve worked closely with their team to help them focus on driver behaviors that impact fuel consumption, and the results have been fantastic. There are a lot of great lessons here for companies that want to ‘Go Green.’ “