News from TMC: CCJ honors Fisher, engine technologies and more

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During a banquet at the annual meeting of the Technology & Maintenance Council of the American Trucking Associations, Peggy Fisher received the Commercial Carrier Journal Technology and Maintenance Career Leadership Award. CCJ Editorial Director Avery Vise presented the award Sunday, Feb. 3, in recognition of Fisher’s distinguished fleet maintenance career and contributions to TMC.

“I’m incredulous to join the ranks of the cream of the trucking industry,” Fisher said, referring to the 31 prior award recipients. All winners share a “passion for trucks and the vehicle maintenance side of the trucking industry,” she said, noting that all worked closely with the supplier side to achieve common goals. “No one working alone could force the transformation of the maintenance community we’ve seen today.”

Also at the TMC meeting:

  • A panel of fleet representatives presented their assessments of the latest engine technologies;
  • Another panel discussed how the Environmental Protection Agency wants to be sure that when the 2010 engines hit the highways, they will continue to meet regulated emissions levels over the course of their useful life;
  • “Without trucks, we wouldn’t have the sport of racing at all,”
    retired NASCAR champion and racing analyst Rusty Wallace said at TMC’s kickoff lunch;
  • Participants at the Shop Talk session posed questions about ultra-low-sulfur diesel fuel, CJ-4 oil, diesel particulate filter lifecycles and idle-reduction legislation; and
  • Sterling Truck Corp. announced that the DD15 engine now is available for order. The truck maker also introduced a number of new factory-installed safety options.
  • For more details on those stories and other news from this week’s annual TMC meeting, go to