Overnite tops online customer respect study

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The Customer Respect Group, an international research and consulting firm that focuses on how corporations treat their online customers, has released findings from its Fourth Quarter 2005 Online Customer Respect Study of Transportation, Distribution and Logistics Industry. The study, the fifth conducted on the industry, analyzed mail, package and freight delivery; trucking and truck leasing; and mail facilitation websites to obtain a sample of the sector.

The websites from five sector firms ranked excellent, including Overnite Transportation Co., 8.7; Canada Post, 8.0; Purolator, 8.0; United Parcel Service, 8.0; and U.S. Postal Service, 8.0. These companies have consistently performed well in recent studies and in many ways went against some of the key trends seen across the industry, according to the Customer Respect Group.

Overall, the transportation, distribution and logistics industry scored a CRI rating of 7.0, versus 6.6 for its last report in the second quarter of 2005. According to the Customer Respect Group, this score — which indicates a slow yet consistent trend of steady improvement for the industry — moves the industry from fifth position to a joint second with the retail industry, just behind the airline and travel industry. The improvements, however, largely are concentrated in the mail, package and freight delivery sector.

For the complete table, please go to www.customerrespect.com.