Stemco offers guidelines for rebuilding wheel ends damaged by storms

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In response the hurricanes Katrina and Rita, Stemco — a provider of heavy-duty truck and trailer wheel-end systems and components — has released a “tech tip” to address the inspection, rebuilding and reassembly of submerged tractor and trailer wheel ends.

Damaged equipment in areas affected by the storms is being evaluated for salvage or rebuilding, and special consideration should be given to the procedures used, Stemco says. The company doesn’t recommend putting any unit into service that hasn’t had a complete wheel-end inspection and/or repair as described in its tech tip. If wheel ends are not repaired properly, wheel-end performance may degrade, up to and including possible catastrophic failure.

Stemco’s Tech Tip No. 30 — which outlines detailed steps for inspecting, rebuilding and reassembling wheel ends — can be downloaded from