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ALK releases new PC Miler-based DoD software

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ALK Technologies ( and the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) announced the release of version 16.1 of PC Miler-based Defense Table of Official Distances (DTOD). This is the fourth year of a five-year licensing agreement between ALK and the DOD.

The updated version features enhanced graphics, more map detail and an improved color scheme. In addition, distances and driving directions more closely approximate actual driving routes, according to ALK.

In conjunction with the DTOD 16.1 release, ALK announced the release of PC Miler 16.1 and PC Miler/Worldwide 16.1. These two products are the commercial versions of DTOD and can be used by carriers and logistics companies to generate DTOD distances. DTOD is the standard distance calculation data and software used by the U.S. DOD. All North American motor carriers and logistics companies handling freight and personal property shipments for the DOD are bound by DTOD 16.1 mileage for payment and audit purposes.